“Empowering Entrepreneurs: KIDLIFE™️ Making Waves and Seeking Your Support”

“Empowering Entrepreneurs: KIDLIFE™️ Making Waves and Seeking Your Support”

It's Shante! I hope all is well.

We're excited that our brand, KIDLIFE™️, is gaining brand awareness and being acknowledged by major companies!

I’m thrilled to be selected as a #BrownGirlSwap Grant Finalist- an initiative sponsored by SheaMoisture and BROWN GIRL Jane that is putting $125,000 in the hands of Black women entrepreneurs.

But, I need your vote! Help me win the grand prize of a $25,000 grant for KIDLIFE™️ + a seat at a Tuck Business Coarse by visiting www.browngirljane.com

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Voting ends November 24th.

Follow us on IG @kidlifeklub

Kidlife Skincare isn't just a brand; it's a labor of love born out of personal experience and a deep desire to make a difference in the lives of children and their parents!

#womensupportingwomen #womenentrepreneurs #mompreneur #sheamoisture #grantsforsmallbusinesses #grantsforwomen #blackwomeninbusiness #grantfinalist #sheamoisturegrant #browngirljane #kj3essentials #kidlife
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!


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